Mason MitchellDec 18, 2021CourseworkAutonomous Navigation, Mapping, AMCL Localization, and A* Goal Pathing in ROS with a TurtleBotBy the end of this project, the robot was able to complete all six of the defined objectives: localize the robot in the world, drive...
Mason MitchellOct 9, 2021CourseworkReal-Time Object Detection and Sorting using Inverse Kinematic Control of a 3-DOF ArmThis final project was the culmination of the WPI RBE3001 course and exhibited applications of position/velocity forward and inverse...
Mason MitchellApr 30, 2019CourseworkAnalyzing Network Variance of Boids for Varying ParametersThis project was an analysis of the behaviors of Boids at various extremes of each of the parameters that affected the ...
Mason MitchellFeb 1, 2019CourseworkThree Dimensional Decentralized Drone Swarm Control System and Equation Visualization Using BoidsThis project applied the agent-based model of boids in a custom simulation environment to produce three dimensional objects...
Mason MitchellJul 31, 2018CourseworkUAV-SAR Signal Processing and BackprojectionWorked under MIT/Lincoln Labs researchers to develop and build a UAV-SAR (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle -Synthetic Aperture RADAR) system. ...